Information and subscription 2021-2022 :
- During “Association Day” Associations, saturday 4th september 2021, from 9h30 to 18h, “place de la Victoire, Palaiseau”.
- For Information only :
- By phone : 06 22 79 02 01.
During registration, an interview allow us to define the level of knowledge in french (writing / speaking) and to know the needs for the learner. .
The learner have to fill an admission form and to pay the membership fee. .
After this interview DIRE-LIRE will propose one to three lessons by week, according level, schedule and availability
Registrations are possible until April, according availability.
Training will begin on 4th October 2021. There is no training during public and school holidays.
In order to facilitate organization and class progress, each learner has to commit he will attend regulary the classes and inform in advance for absences.
Subscription and educational costs :
1 lesson by week : 35 euros / Year
2 lessons by week : 60 euros / Year
3 lessons by week : 85 euros / Year.
Cost must not prevent registration.